Let's burn it down for the insurance.
There's a single bed in here!
What happens if I get lucky?
You make love on the beach.
On the beach?
I'll be making love in the sand and
the tide will come in and carry me off.
I'll score and drown at the same time.
Look at that, that is pretty.
Look out there.
That's really beautiful.
The fog's gonna creep in.
Look, you can see the seagulls
flying over the cesspool.
This is fun. I haven't been
to a place like this in a long time.
I'm getting a heart attack,
I can't believe that girl.
I'm at 392-8098.
She's a doll. I'd sell my mother
to the Arabs for her.
Why don't you ask her to dance?
I can't. I don't know her.
I can't stay long. I've gotta get up early
to play tennis with the guys.
You wanna dance?
We can't do those dances,
you have to be under 16 to look good.
I love you, miss, whoever you are.
I want to have your child.
- All right, get up and do it.
- No, I can't dance.
I'm scared. I had measles as a child,
my body won't function.
Come on, go.
Now, start dancing. You ready?
Keep count. And it's one, two...
One, two.
Right. Go ahead, say something to her.