But you must admit you're driven.
Do you know what's happening
in the stock market?
- Where are we going?
- There she is.
She works in my office.
She just broke up with her boyfriend.
- There's too many people at the table.
- Come on!
I don't want to. We'll do it later.
- What shall I say?
- Ask her to dinner.
I can't.
Why can't you and Linda come...
Cos I have to work late.
Julie, this is Allan Felix.
Would you like to go to dinner tonight?
- That's right to the point.
- That was pretty fast!
Forgive me, I'm...
It needed tossing anyhow.
Let's go in there and get stoned
and watch the freaks.
You sure you don't want to go
to the movies?
Come on!
- You wanna dance?
- No, thanks.
I didn't ask you, I asked her.
I don't wanna dance either.
- What the hell is this?
- 7 Up.
I'm on the wagon, doctor's orders.
My hand shakes.
It's like battle fatigue...
He kills me.
What's your name, honey?
- It's a nice name.
- Must get her back to the orphanage.
I take her out once a year to the zoo
and the circus. Excuse me.
- Sit down.
- I'd love to stay but I gotta be up early.
Going to a temple,
it's my people's Sabbath.
- Come here.
- Chris is coming over, is he?