Play It Again, Sam

I got up, drove him to the airport
and threw up
in the United Airlines terminal.

I've thrown up there.
I don't know what it is that upsets me.
Fear of separation.
I had to go to Washington once,

and although I was leaving, I got sick
and when I returned,
my wife threw up.

My analyst would say I'm feeling guilty
because I want him to go.

I can't understand you.
You're a knockout,
why are you a mass of symptoms?

Why is anybody screwed up?
I guess it happens
when you're a child.

You think you're ugly, your parents
divorce, you feel abandoned.

You must have the same thing.
My parents never got divorced,
although I begged them to.

I know you think I'm nice,
I appreciate it. It's good for my ego.

And I'm hypercritical.
I have a tendency to reject
before I get rejected.

That way I save time and money.
- No date tonight?
- I had a date but she called it off.

Some kind of Polish holiday.
Why don't we go out to dinner
and hit a movie?

I have a better idea.
Have dinner at my house.

The Big Sleep's on tonight.
Do you have anything for me to cook?
Frozen steaks
and a bottle of champagne.

What are you doing with champagne?
I tried to cook to impress a girl.
Beef stroganoff in the pressure cooker.

- How was it?
- I don't know. It's still on the wall.

- I'll buy some stuff and bring it over.
- Fabulous.

I'll get some asparagus,
salad and dessert.

I love to cook but I never get a chance.
Dick's always so busy.

Get a whole lot of stuff.
You can open the champagne
but not just for me.

I'll have one with you but you
have to put me to bed if I dance naked.

This is gonna be great.
I've got a terrific rapport with Linda.
