Play It Again, Sam

That is unless I was enjoying it.
They say it's every woman's
secret desire.

I guess it depends on
who's doing the raping.

Why dwell on morbid subjects?
Odds are you'll never get raped.

Not with my luck.
I feel so light.
That drink is going right to my head.
I'm floating.

- Go ahead, kiss her.
- I can't.

- She's ready.
- How can you be sure?

- Believe me, I'm sure.
- She'll pull back.

She's sitting and waiting.
Now, don't screw up.

Right, I'll try but I'm gonna go slow.
If she screams,
I'll pretend it was a joke.

She'd better laugh.
The phone!
Yes, she's here.
She came over before.
I was going out, I had a Polish date.

It's for you, it's from Cleveland.
- Are you upset?
- The ring startled me.

I want her out, I'm gonna cause
an international incident!

- Hello, darling.
- She loves him. I'm kidding myself.

Relax. You're as nervous as Elizabeth
Scott was before I blew her brains out.

All you got to do is make your move.
This is crazy. We'll all wind up
in The National Enquirer.

OK, goodbye.
Yes, I will.
Dick sounded down. I think
he's having trouble in Cleveland.

How come he never takes you
with him on these trips?

I'm afraid to fly.
My analyst says it's an excuse.

He never asks me along, though.
Maybe he's got something
going on the side.

- Would that bother you?
- Sure. But not if I didn't know.

I know it'd hurt Dick if you ever
had a casual affair with anyone.

I don't think I could
have a casual affair.
