
My full name is Chester Thomas King.
Although most people call me Mickey
for reasons I won't go into.

You may have read some of my early works.
But my publisher didn't see Chester Thomas
King as the name of a best-selling author.

He preferred such authors as
Guy Strange, Gary Rough,

Dan Wild and Les Behan.
I was all those and others. I was
co-authors Susan Eager and Paul S. Cumming.

The newly discovered Indian writer,
Doctor O.R. Gann, spelt with two N's,

and the struggling Nigerian author,
S. Odomy, with the emphasis on the "O".

None of them exactly made
Book of the Month Club.

- Mr King?
- Yes.

Could I have a word with you?
Please, take a seat.
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.

Our work here is mainly technical specifications,
insurance and shipping documents,
company records and legal contracts.

Your manuscript took my staff rather by surprise.
- They finished it, though?
- Of course.

Of course.
May I ask who normally types your work?
My mother.
- Your mother?
- Yes, she prefers it to knitting.

If you don 't want my custom,
just say so.

What I read I personally found very stimulating.
And your staff?
Too stimulating.
But they have no taste for such things.
