
I should have realised something was up.
A man had been tailing me for over two weeks.
I thought my wife must have employed
a private dick.

I did ask him, but he got upset.
He was too big to upset twice,
so I tried to ignore him,

which in this case was difficult.
Later I was to find
out who he was, that tame gorilla

who followed my everywhere.
I rode a cab round to my publisher,
Milos Marcovic,
the Greco-Albanian born in Budapest,

whose talent for writing book covers is such
even the author doesn't recognise his own work.

Sylvana... get this down.
Marcovic was responsible for all the
aggravation that was about to hit me.

Hollywood, an empire in decay, comma.
Ruled by a twisted emperor, comma.
And the desires and tantrums...
...of a strange girl whose secret
became a big screen Technicolor...

...nightmare. New paragraph.
Sam Nectar was his name.
An unknown oriental girl was his obsession.
Sam cast her as a Negro slave,
only to find himself cast as a slave
to her desires. New paragraph.

What the critics said:
