A tomato salad, spaghetti with butter...
No sauce, you understand?
Spinach with two eggs.
You a vegetarian?
I'll have a plate of courgettes. Again, just butter.
And get me a bottle of mineral water.
- Are you a vegetarian?
- Yes.
Why is that?
I don 't like the killing of animals.
We are from Texas.
What about fish?
See, I told you, they're all alike.
We are from Texas.
Of course you are, dear boy.
Of course you are.
- Eggs?
- Yes.
They're all organic matter.
"'Contrariwise', continued Tweedledee.
If it was so, it might be;
if it were so, it would be;
but as it isn't, it ain 't. That's logic'."
The words of Lewis Carroll, my dear lady.
But I'll put it more succinctly...
Piss off!
Paging Mr King.
Miller didn't show at feeding time.
I wanted to see him again.
We were due for another talk.
The page boy was right on cue.
Thank you.
Miller wanted to see me in room 313.
It was the long arm of coincidence.