
No, they're nice people.
Simple, but they understand after a while.
Somebody wonders why you live with 'em.

I was actually born here.
I went to the States when I was four.

There's my old mother.
Hello, Mama. Hello, sweetheart.

Can 't hear a thing. Deaf as a doornail.
Hello, hello, you big long-legged whore, you!
All right. Hey, Benny!
Has Mama eaten this week?

Um... yeah.
Come on, come on down!
Hurry up! Let's eat.

You get a great appetite with this weather.
We serve good grub, too.

Wait till you see what we have.
Anything you want. You'd be surprised.

We got coffee, pastrami.
I had some flown in last week.

Come on, Benny, move it! I'm hungry.
Move your ass, before I'm too old
to enjoy this meal. I'm kinda hungry.

You hungry, bitch?
She's a beauty.

Dear Lord, bless this meal we're about
to receive in Christ's name. Amen.

Surprise you, Mickey?
I'm a good Catholic.

- Liz, like to hop in the sack with him?
- Oh, Preston.

"Oh, Preston". Don 't give me that shit!
Been trying to make her for over a year.

But I ain 't been able to score.
Mama must have heard me say grace, at least.
Look at her go. Sit down, Mama.
Some idiot's been trying to rub me.
Really... Who?
Who? Obviously a professional contract.
Guy goes under the name of Miller.
