"We've all... " Yeah, this is it.
"We've all passed a lot of water since then. "
Samuel Goldwyn.
Gilbert certainly wasn't tight with the dialogue.
He talked non -stop for a week.
Enough for a fat book.
But he never mentioned Miller again.
The mainland trip was to be
an end-of-book party. Some party!
Dinuccio had a premonition the ferry
would sink and refused to come,
Mama had a visitation from the Virgin
and wouldn't get out of bed,
and the scar on my leg
screamed at me not to go.
Jesus, I feel marvelous.
I hope it lasts.
- You don 't have to worry about me.
- I'm not worried about you.
- What's the matter?
- It's a wound in my leg.
The war?
No. A coffin fell on me.
- Was it empty?
- No, it was full.
There was
another thing about that day.
It was the anniversary of his father's death.
A date they now share.
Somaro. Come back, somaro. Better.
Keep it, keep it!
I meant together!