- Oh, I believe you.
- Don 't get smart with me, son.
- You're full of crap, Gilbert.
- No.
- No, cancer.
- Of the soul.
- Yet another funny.
- Oh, it's ture. It's the truth.
The doctors gave me
the good news a week ago.
That's why I wanted you
to finish the book quickly.
You're taking me for an idiot,
like those two poor bastards over there.
Miller, the coach trip, everything was rigged.
Well, stuff your book up your arse. I'm quitting.
You are, eh?
- Mr Gilbert.
- Yes, what?
Not again.
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us
And so say all of us
Hey, Preston!
Stop kidding. The joke's over.
Suddenly, I was a cop lover.
They couldn't keep me
at that station long enough.
I needed time to think
and a safe place to do it.
The killer had tried to get me.
It wasn't a joke.
Gilbert didn't laugh once,
all the way to the mortuary.
It was like a casting session
for Boys Town.
Any ring a bell, Mr King?
The American made me nervous.
He'd arrived late in the afternoon.
I assumed he was FBI. Things were serious
if the big guns had been called in.