Alas, my wife. Will
my poor Alison drown?
Is there no remedy?
Yes. Follow my advice and I
promise I shall save her, you and I
Bring me a kneading-trough
or a brewer's tub
We need one for each of us
See they're big enough to
float. And food for a day
The rain will stop and
retire the next morning
Send away your servants Robin and Jill
When you've found tubs,
hang them high to the roof
Put an axe in each, so we can cut
the ropes when the water comes...
...and float like lords, safe and
sound, as did Noah and his wife.
You and your wife
must keep well apart...
...for woe betide any man who
commits carnal sin in this night
Go to work now, and God be with you
Quickly, let's go on board