I'm gonna throw the cat
out the window!
His Excellency Count Racobelli
attended and Mons. Troisi Ragusa...
was there to represent
the Holy Sea.
Hey! Listen.
Ciao. Is your mother home?
Anybody home?
Antonietta! I did it!
Stay there a minute.
I'm coming.
- There's someone at the door.
- I did it! I did it!
that young man is here...
the one whose mother wrote you
from up north.
Shall I let him in?
- How do you do?
- I was making pasta. Let me help you.
- Come in. Come in, please.
- Thanks.
The signora's not feeling very well.
Come on. This way.
One of her ovaries
is inflamed.
We'll just set it down here, all right?
Come on. I'll show you the house.
Come in, come in.
I hope you don't mind children, 'cause
there's a lot of them living here.
This is the dining room.
Florentine furniture. Nice, huh?
- That's the signora's eldest son.
- Who is it?
He's gonna work as a clerk.
- Why did you have to go to the beach?
- How do you do?
- Why shouldn't I have gone?
- Did you have to go at noon?
When, then?
My poor baby.
A bad sunburn, huh?
Do you have a fever?
I think so, yeah.
- Nice shirt you got there.
- Thank you.
You afraid of Chinamen? He is one
and he's even got kitchen privileges.