I said get off the stage.
What's the matter, you deaf?
The man said get off.
- Sit down, you big loudmouth.
- Second imitation.
A young lady having a shower.
Hey, do us a big favor
and go away, will ya?
Yeah, go away!
Why? I've got just as much right
to make a living as everybody, don't I?
-Just disappear.
- All right, if you don't go, we will.
We'll pretend we enjoyed the act
and you pretend it's over. Okay?
- I'm what's known as "stile. "
- Stile, achmile, you stink too.
Here you have the modern-day saturnalia,
the variety show.
As you can see, it is a combination
of circus maximus and brothel.
Listen, if you're going
to start talking dirty, I'm leaving.
What did I say?
I mentioned a brothel.
Even Proust, in the recherche...
gives us a lengthy description
of a house of ill repute.
Oh, you and your damned Proust.
But I've got to work
like everyone else.
Yes. So go out
and fiind a job.
Hey, Maestro,
strike up the band.
Boy, is that funny.