
Can I shoot a bit of it?
Go ahead, if you like.
A perfectly preserved mammoth's tusk.
We discovered it during construction
of the Piazza Re di Roma station.

The Capitoline Museum
has already asked for it.

Shall we go down?
This way, please.

What was that?
The ground beneath Rome
is unpredictable.

Every hundred meters,
we come across some important fiind.

Naturally, this slows up the work.
This is a very diffiicult contract.
We merely wanted to resolve
the traffiic problem...

with a subway
like Munich's or Dublin's...

but here the ground
has eight strata...

and we're forced
to become archaeologists.

The fiirst time the necessity
of a subway for Rome...

was discussed was in 1871 .
- You mean 1971 .
- No, exactly a hundred years ago.

Roman bureaucracy is even more
unpredictable than Roman soil.

The paperwork which has passed
between ourselves...
