All right, no fuckin' around,
you lousy bums!
You act like you just got outta jail.
Go lay your grandmother!
Where you goin'? How old are you?
Let me see your identifiication.
Let's go! Move it! Upstairs!
Come on, who's gonna be fiirst?
Come on! Come on! Can't you see
the tongue she's got on her?
Come on, boys, make up your minds!
You too, Gramps.
What's the matter?
You all asleep on your feet?
All right! Enough of this shit!
Pretty soon I'm gonna turn off
the lights and kick everyone out!
You got blood in your veins
or water?
Every one of these girls is an artist.
You guys blind?
- Now get your asses upstairs.
- All right, let me by. Let me by.
Let's go upstairs, dolls.
Come on.
Come on, boys.
The young ladies are all here.
Where the hell's my coffee?
It's coming.
I already ordered it.