How do you do? We already met.
I gave you your fiirst Communion.
This little blond boy
I've never seen.
- What's your name?
- Giulio.
Are you good?
I bet only when you're asleep.
And now off to bed, eh?
Good night, children,
and God bless you.
Good night, Your Eminence.
If Your Eminence
will come this way.
My friends! Please sit down.
Ah, yes, why, even today
there was an audience with people...
who want to tell the Pope
how to run the church.
What can you do?
Be patient, I suppose.
"Fire's for burning
and patience for learning"...
as we say in Rome.
I remember your grandfather.
He was a good man, Don Eugenio.
My compliments.
Please! Please!
My friends.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.
Peppino, Gervasio,
you may begin serving.
Ah, you've fiinally arrived!
What would you like,
Your Eminence?
- A mint to freshen my mouth, thank you.
- Ah, a mint. I knew it.
Here we are.
- Your Excellency.
- Why not?
Thank you. I'd love one.
- What would you like, Monsignor?
- Monsignor!
I must tell you that when I was little,
I was quite a mischief maker.
What did he say?
He said when he was young,
he was a rascal.
Mama used to make a liqueur
just like this for the guests...
and she would have
to hide it from me.
The minute she wasn't there, I'd climb
up and drink it out of the bottle.
Your Eminence, I can't believe it.
I'm sure that even as a baby,
you were a saint.