Berkshire to Valley Forge. Come in,
Valley Forge. Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Valley Forge. Come in, Valley Forge.
Reading 4040.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Valley Forge to Berkshire.
You still there, Neal?
- Yes. Barker?
- No, it's Lowell.
Oh, what's the trouble, Lowell?
We seem to be experiencing some kind
of problem with the main coupling.
Oh, might be one of
your squib pins severing.
That's what we figured it was,...
..so we've gone ahead
and we're setting it now.
We'll be getting back to you
just as soon as we can.
- Lowell.
- Yeah?
- Everything OK over there?
- Oh, yeah, OK.
A-OK. Everything's OK.
We 'll wait to hear, buddy.
Drone one,...
..drone two, drone three,...
..please report immediately
to the main cargo area.