..I'd like to make an announcement. Um...
From now on,...
..drone number two,...
..you will answer to the name of Huey.
And drone number one,...
..you will answer to the name of Dewey.
And little Louie, God bless him, he's...
..he's not with us any more.
..you take one step forward.
That's super.
Now, Dewey, you also
take one step forward.
That's really excellent!
Now, um...
..you see, what I've done is,
I've reprogrammed both of you...
..so that now you'll respond directly to me.
You'll still run the same maintenance
checks and perform the same duties...
..that you've been doing on the ship,...
..but you'll also be spending much
more time with me in the forest.
And you shouldn't have much of a problem
in making the necessary readjustments.
And I realise that...