
Was he a successful man ?
No. As a matter of fact, he wasn't.
You can't expect to make a living
these days just repairing watches.

He went broke in the end.
I always told him he would.

Hmm. Well, it must make him
something of a burden to you.

Yeah, it-it does a bit.
He never went back, you see.
He's still in Soho, still thinks
he had it good all those years.

And you-- what do you do ?
Don't you know ?
I have a hairdressing salon in South
Kensington-- Casa tindolini.

Oh, you can use that word
these days, can you ?

People don't take it for an ice-cream salon ?
- No, the birds--

the ladies seem to like
the continental touch.

English too wholesome for them, eh ?
Yeah, well, it's-- it's not chic, you see.
We found that it pays to provide
the latin lover atmosphere.

Of course, we lay it on a bit thicker in the
Brighton shop. They're less sophisticated.

I mean to say, in London half of them
have actually got-- latin lovers ?

And where do you live-- above,
behind or below your shop ?

I lease a mews house nearby.
It's convenient and attractive.

It's Georgian, actually.
From Genoa to Georgian in a single
generation, eh ? Not bad.

But I doubt whether an 18th century
architectural gem in South Kensington...

whispers quite the same magic
to Marguerite as it does to you.

She adores old houses.
She can't wait to live in it.

I understood she already was living
in it, once or twice a week at least.

I'm not mistaken, am I ?
And that your motive in renting the cottage
down here was to increase the incidence...

of this biweekly coupling.
- Is that what you asked me
over here to chat about ?

Never speak ill of the deadly.
If I choose to say that my wife
converses like a child of six...

and makes love like an extinct
shellfish, I shall,

and I don't need to ask her lover's
permission to do so either.
