- Thank you for the drink.
- Oh, my. Now, now, I thought
you were brought up in England.
Surely you know it's not done to be rude.
You were being rude about
a woman I'm in love with.
- On the contrary. I was
reminiscing about my wife.
- It comes to the same thing.
Things mostly do, you know. I'll
wager that in a year's time...
it'll be you who'll be being rude about
Marguerite and I who'll be being rhapsodic,
having quite forgotten how
intolerably tiresome, vain,
spendthrift, self-indulgent...
and generally bloody crafty she really is !
Can you afford to take her off my hands ?
- "Afford to" ?
- Support her in the style to
which she was not accustomed...
before she met me, but now is.
Well, I'm not a millionaire,
but I'm not starving either.
The shop in London's doing all right. The
one in Brighton is almost breaking even.
- By this time next year--
- This year, next year, sometime, never.
What you're really saying is
that at present, you're skint.
- We'll survive.
- Survival is scarcely the point.
Presumably, when you're married
to Marguerite, you'll want
a place on the Riviera,
fast car, couple of mistresses.
- "Presumably" ?
- Just because you need those things ?
- No, just this fading mansion,
the slowest Bentley in Wiltshire,
and only one mistress, I'm afraid.
Tea, the Finnish bird who runs
the sauna in Salisbury.
Oh, you know about Tea, do you ?
Marguerite and I have no
secrets from each other.
Not even mine, it seems.
Tea is a Karelian Goddess.
Her golden hair smells of pine,
and her cobalt eyes are the secret
forest pools of Finlandia.
I hear she's a well-scrubbed blonde with
all the sex appeal of a secondhand jeep.
Not so, dear boy. You can take it from me.
Tea is an engaging little trollop
and suits me mightily.
Mind you, she takes a
bit of keeping up with.
It's a good thing I am pretty much
of an olympic sexual athlete.
Yes, I suppose these days you are
concentrating more on the sprints...
than on the long-distance stuff.
Not so, dear boy.
I'm in the pink of condition.
I could copulate for England
at any distance.