
170,000 pounds.
Cash, tax-free.
It would take an awful lot of
Tindolini's tonsorial teasing
to raise that kind of money.

All right. I'll do it.
- Where do you want me to break in ?
- No, no, no, no. Not so fast.

You've got to get disguised first.
- What for ?
- What if somebody saw you climbing in ?

Here ? In the middle of nowhere ?
I could hardly find this
place with a bloody map !

You never know !
A dallying couple, a passing sheep rapist.
Besides, don't forget the clues
we've got to leave for the Police
and insurance company.

We don't want your footsteps
in the flower beds...

Or your coat button snagged
on the window sill.

No, no, no ! You must be disguised !
All right. How ?
Please to follow me, number one son.
You know, my dear Milo, in the good
old days, before television, that is,

People constructed the pleasures
of life for themselves.

They amused each other
and were in turn amused.

They didn't just sit, stare.
Why, in this house there
was scarcely a weekend...

without its treasure hunts, charades,
games of infinite variety.

Makeup and dress up--
there was virtually no end to
the concealment of identity.

- But surely Marguerite has told you.
- Actually she never mentioned it.

Well, it was all some time ago.
Aha ! A few scenes from some of my books,
lovingly recreated by an artist friend.
The necrophilic barber of Tunbridge Wells,
and the doltish pie poisoner
from the Simple Simon murders.

Oh ! And here's my favorite.
- Now, this really is ingenious. Do look--
- Andrew,

we were looking for a disguise.
