Hey, that's my new manuscript !
Let my secretary sort it out.
- Enough ?
- For a starter.
Now let's see what accident does to
artifice seconds out of the ring.
- What seconds ? What for ?
- The ensuing fight, remember ?
- Hey !
- Well, you're the underdog, aren't you ?
Got the support of the crowd, haven't you ?
What more do you want ?
My wife's gonna have a baby.
Now, listen, don't get het up.
This fight is fixed, remember ?
This is where I take a dive,
and you knock me out cold !
- For real ?
- Naturally.
When the Police come, I have
to show them a real lump.
Yes, I thought you'd like this bit.
You're dead right.
Now, what shall I use ?
Not my opaline, if you don't mind.
There it is !
The original blunt instrument.
- The poker. Right. Now,
where do you want it ?
- Now, steady.
Don't get carried away. It's not a murder
weapon we're talking about, you know.
- No ?
- No ! We're discussing an object...
from which I receive in the classic
formula a glancing blow...
which will raise a lump without
actually cracking the cranium !
Why don't I just keep tapping
you lightly on the head with the
poker until the lump comes up.
Quite frankly, I've rather gone off
the whole thing now. I know !
You can always tie me up and gag me and
leave me to be found by the cleaning woman.
"Lords a' mercy, Mr. Wyke !
Whatever do we be doin' there ?
All trussed up like a turkey !
"Oh, God bless ya, sir. You're
tryin' out somethin' for one
of them creepy books of yours."