and not one of me !
A creeping, hairdressing
seducer of silly women.
A jumped-up pantry boy
who doesn't know his place !
Did you really believe...
I'd give up my wife and jewelry to you ?
That I'd make myself that ridiculous ?
Why not ?
You're not in love with her.
Whether I love her or not,
I found her. I've kept her.
She represents me.
Once... she was in love with me.
And now, she's in love with me.
And that's what you can't forgive, isn't it ?
And after me, there'll be others.
You gonna kill them too ?
You're mad ! You're a bloody madman !
And you are a young man...
dressed as a clown about to be murdered.
Put the mask on, Milo.
- No.
- Put it on.
No, please. Please.
Put it on.
Finally, at your moment of dying,
you are yourself--
a sniveling, dago clown.
Farewell, Punchinello !
Please !