"Killed" Tindle, sir ?
I never mentioned the word "kill."
Oh, come now, Inspector.
You can't pull that old one on me.
"Garroted, sir. May I ask how you knew...
her ladyship had been garroted ?"
"You told me so, Inspector."
"No, sir.
I never mentioned the word 'garroted.'"
I'm sorry you find us so comic, sir.
On the whole, what we do is necessary.
"You're just doing your job"
is the overworked phrase, isn't it ?
Possibly, sir. Very possibly.
"The overworked phrase." I like that.
Your wife and Mr. Tindle have been
associating closely for some time, sir.
Yes, I thought you'd know about that.
- You can't keep anything
quiet in a small village.
- Perfectly true, sir.
You're not suggesting a crime passionnel,
I do hope.
Not with Marguerite. Oh, God !
That would be like knifing somebody...
for the sake of a tablespoon
full of cold rice pudding.
I'm very partial to rice pudding, sir.
I find it a great standby.
That's perfect.
"'All of you had either the means,
motive or opportunity,'
"said Inspector Doppler,
as he thoughtfully digested...
"another spoonful of his favorite pud.
'But only one of you had all three !'"
Exactly so, sir, and that person is you.
That is divine.
Well, I suppose I'd better
tell you what happened.
- That would be helpful, sir.
- Perhaps another drink would be helpful too.
I'd love another drink, sir, but I think
you'll find that the bottle is empty.
Quite right, Inspector.
That too can be corrected.
Do come with me, won't you ?
Now, as you seem to know,
Tindle was having an affair with my wife.
Now, I belong to that rare breed of men...
who genuinely don't mind losing gracefully...
to a gentleman who plays
the game by the same rules.
But to be worsted by a flash,
crypto-italian lover boy...
who mistakes my indifference for inadequacy...
is altogether too much !
You mean, you couldn't bring yourself
to accept the situation, sir ?
Is that what you're saying ?
- I mean,