That one over there,
and this one over here.
- They look like bullet holes to me, sir.
- Quite right, Inspector.
So they are.
Oh, I understood you, sir,
say that you used a blank.
Two live bullets to set up the trick,
and one blank to complete it.
I had to persuade Tindle I was in earnest.
Oh, I see, sir. One blank.
Then would you just show me please, sir,
where Mr. Tindle was when you killed him ?
Pretended to kill him, you mean.
Quite so. Then would you show me...
exactly where he was when the bullet hit him.
I keep telling you, it was not a real bullet !
So you do, sir. So you do.
Very well then. Where was he...
when the blank cartridge was fired ?
He was standing, or I should say kneeling,
or more accurately cowering, here.
- About here, you say, sir ?
- Two steps down.
- That's it.
- Were you close to Mr. Tindle
when you fired the gun ?
Oh, very. I was standing over him, in
fact, with the gun against his head.
You see, it was the actual feel of the gun,
coupled with the noise of the explosion,
that did the trick.
The traditional tool of your trade, Inspector ?