Here we are, sir. Now,
would you say that had
been freshly dug, sir ?
How do I know ?
Probably something that the
gardener's been doing. Ask him.
You'll find him somewhere, maundering about,
aching for an opportunity to slander
his employer-- they all do.
All for my part, I've always found...
that gardeners make excellent witnesses.
They're slow, they're methodical,
and they're positive.
Inspector, I've had just about
enough of this farce.
Do you really think I'd be fool enough
to bury Tindle out here in the garden...
leaving all that newly-turned
earth for everyone to find ?
If you weren't expecting us, sir, yes.
In a couple of weeks, with a little
grass seed or a few bulbs,
it'd be very difficult to tell
it had ever been disturbed.
We in the Police force know just how fond...
murderers are of their backyards, sir.
One's as near a murderer's heart in
a garden as anywhere else on earth,
eh, Inspector ?
- Excepting the bedroom, sir.
I think you'll find that's still the favorite.
There's no mistaking whose
room this is, eh, sir ?
My wife showers. I bathe.