
Can't I get my lawyer ? It's my right !
We can make a call from the Police station.
We wouldn't wanna do anything unconstitutional.
Come now, sir. Don't despair.
You may get off with as
little as seven years.

Seven years ?
Seven years to regret the playing
of silly games that go wrong.

Spare me the sentiment ! It didn't go wrong !
It all went bloody well right !

You think so, do you, sir ?
We real-life policemen...
are not as stupid as we
are sometimes portrayed...

by writers like yourself.
We may not have our monocles...
or our orchid houses or our deerstalkers...
or our shovel hats,
but we are reasonably effective
for all that, sir.

You seem to know a hell of a lot about
detective stories, Inspector !

Yes. I have read quite a few in my time, sir.
And in recent years,
I have come to believe
that the detective story...

is the normal recreation of noble minds, sir.
Who or what the hell are you ?
Detective Inspector Doppler, sir.
It is spelled like "Dopple,"
which, as I'm sure you know,
means "double"...
in German.
And for those whose minds...
run to these things,
it is virtually...
an anagram...
of the word "plodder."
Inspector Plodder...
becomes Inspector Doppler,
