You're not cross, are you ?
Cross ? I don't understand.
That's one of your words.
Look, as I explained to you,
when you were playing Doppler,
I had to test your mettle
to see if, as I suspected,
you really were my sort of person.
A games-playing sort of person ?
- Exactly !
- And am I ?
There's no question about it.
Compare your experience this weekend,
my dear Milo, with any
other moments in your life.
Now, if you're honest with yourself,
you'll have to admit...
that you lived more intensely in
my company than in anybody else's.
Now, even with Marguerite.
Now, we know what it is
to play a game, you and I.
That's so rare.
Two people brought together,
equally matched, having the courage...
and the talents...
to make of life a continuing
charade of bright fancies,
happy invention;
to face out its emptiness...
and its terrors by playing.
By just playing.
Haven't you forgotten
the jumped-up pantry boy...
who doesn't know his place ?
We are from different worlds,
you and me, Andrew.
In mine, there was no time...
for bright fancies and happy inventions.
No stopping for tea.
The only game we played was to survive...
or go to the wall.
If you didn't win, you just didn't finish.
Loser lose all.
You probably don't understand that.
Understand or not, nothing
you've said disproves my point.
Look at the way you chose to get back at me--
by playing Inspector Doppler.
Simple revenge.