In the end, yes, they did.
My dear boy.
I do appreciate that
in spite of your denials,
you've been captivated by
the spirit of games-playing...
and the need, as you see it,
to win at any cost.
But frankly, you are trying too hard...
to be a big boy too soon.
Hello-- hello, Joyce ?
It's Andrew.
Can I speak to Tea ?
She-- what ?
Been strangled--
Well, where was this ?
When-when was it ?
Where was she found ?
What ?
Uh, Joyce, uh,
I can't understand what you--
Do try to control your--
What ?
The Police...
Oh, my... God.
You should've believed me.
Now, we're gonna play the game.
In a little over 30 minutes,
the law will arrive.
It's going to be your giant brain...
against their plodding ones.
Concealed about this room...
are four clues incriminating you...
as Tea's murderer,
including, as a final expression of
your contempt for the Police,
the murder weapon itself.
Now, are you ready ?
You can't make a game out of real murder.
We'll see.