He looks disappointed in you.
But then, it's no laughing matter.
Or is it ?
Do that again.
My God, he's never winked at me before !
I suppose the other lash is
on one of poor Tea's eyes.
She won't miss it. They're both closed.
How much more time ?
You've got about five minutes.
Hardly enough, I'd say.
There's one more thing left,
I think-- the murder weapon.
You strangled her over there with what ?
Rope ? A belt ?
A scarf ?
- It bit into her neck very deeply, Andrew.
I had to pry it loose.
You'll pay for that, I promise,
you sadistic, bloody wop !
I hope I didn't hear that correctly.
You're certain to need more help.
I'd hate to have to start giving
you difficult italian clues...
full of treachery and double meaning.
All right.
All right !
As several wops have remarked
from time to time,
non e oro tutto che scintilla.