it matters little.
The trouble is that no one can really
explain it.
l'm afraid that what's happened to me
is only a beginning.
l wouldn't wish it, of course,
but it may happen to all ofyou.
Here, it may happen to anyone,
for sure.
But don't think that l've gone mad.
You know me well.
lf l have enough time, l'll tell you
why l did this.
lf it does happen to you,
you will know it's not madness.
That's the main thing.
As for continuing
our program of research,
l'm ofthe same opinion
as Sartorius.
Bombard the plasma ofthe ocean
by high-powered X-rays.
lt's prohibited,
but there's no other choice.
We - or rather you - will be drawn in.
lt may offer a way
to break this deadlock.
lt's your only chance to establish
contact with this monster.
There's no other solution left.