- ls that all?
- Yes, that's all there is.
But we don't understand.
Your film is nothing but clouds!
That must be the fog
l was talking about.
l'm as surprised
as you are.
All this might be the result of
the bio-magnetic current of
the Solaris ocean acting on Burton's
We know these currents to be not
only a gigantic cerebral system,
but also to be capable
of generating thought.
That is a hypothesis
that has not been confirmed.
Weren't you ill on that particular
Oh, this next part is pointless.
We'll pick up here.
...l saw something floating.
l thought that it looked like
Fechner's space suit.
l kept circling the spot to make sure
l wouldn't lose sight of it.
Suddenly l could see the form
rise slightly,
as iftreading the waters.
l could see the man, he wasn't
wearing a space suit, and he moved.