And you've come in the middle of
the night to tell me that?
l'll tell you exactly
why l came.
We thought that since the ocean
extracts our visitors from us
during our sleep,
it might be in our interest to
communicate to it our waking thoughts.
- Yes, but how?
- By X-rays.
Perhaps it will get the message and
spare us all these apparitions.
Again your idiotic X-ray theories
about the greatness of science?
We'll modulate the beam
with the brain waves of one of us.
One of us means me, of course?
A transcription of my thoughts?
What if l want her to die,
to disappear?
Give everything back to that...
mass ofjelly?
lt's already invaded my soul.
Chris, we're losing time.
Sartorius has another project.
The annihilator. To destroy
only neutrino systems.
l convinced him that we should
start with the encephalogram.
And one more thing...
For now, forget all about it.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
You're invited.
- You're trying to patch it up?
- Yes, l am.
Not so loud, she's sleeping.
So she knows how to sleep already?
This is going to end badly.
What do you propose then?
Nothing. So you'll come?
To the library tomorrow?
We'll set up the table.
At least there are no windows there.
ln the meantime let's go
and see Sartorius.