You're one and a half hour late.
What is that you're reading?
This is all rubbish!
Where did l put it...
Where the devil... Here!
They come at night,
but a man needs his nights
for sleeping.
That's our problem.
Man has lost the gift of sleep.
You'd better read it. l'm a bit
''Senor, l know only one thing.
When l...
When l sleep,
l know no fear,
no hope,
no work, no blessing...
Blessings on him who invented sleep,
that balance and weight that
equals the shepherd with the king,
and the simple with the wise.
Sound sleep has but one defect -
it smacks too much of death.
Never before, Sancho, have you
pronounced such a gracious speech.''
That's great. Now perhaps you'll
let me inject a few words of my own?
l propose a toast to Snout,