You're really a good fellow.
Only you look awful!
Actually, l'm worn out.
Could you help me?
Doesn't a man who'd give up
his life
for some silly damned contact,
for knowing the truth about it,
doesn't he have a right to get drunk
once in a while?
Certainly he has, absolutely.
Tell me, do you believe in our
l'll stay up a while yet.
lt's important we don't sleep.
l'm going to see Faust in his
Our Faust, Sartorius, is still seeking
his remedy against immortality.
While we...
Suppose we opened all the windows
and yelled down as loud as we could?
Do you think it would hear?
Only who shall we call to?
Maybe we should whip him
with birch leaves?
Or we could even pray to it...
What's the matter?
l think l closed the door...
She's alone there.
Go on. l feel a lot better.
The station changes its orbit.
At 17 hours there'll be
thirty seconds ofweightlessness.
So don't forget.