
You were always my man, Scatter.
My main man.
What do you mean, nigga?
That cocaine I laid on you,
you used to get that 300,000, huh?

And I didn't ask you
for nothing up front.

Got your ass started.
Now, this is it. I'm retired.
I ain't got no coke left.
But your lines is still open.
Oh, shit, you can get it, nigga,
if you want to get it.

You know goddamn well you can get it.
Talk that talk to me and you ain't got
a gun in your hand?

Scatter, man, please. Now, hey, come on,
put the gun down. Please, man.

I'll kill this nigga of yours.
Scatter, we're just trying to get out, man.
Please, now, don't kill him.

You know what it means
to try and get out, huh?

Please, man, I'm sorry.
What if your man get caught?
You going to take that chance with me?
It's all the time I got left.
All I got left, Youngblood.
Don't seem right to shoot it all
on one load for nothing.

I don't need no money.
Look, I can do it, man.
See, I wouldn't have to go through
the shit you went through.
