
He shouldn't have done it.
It means more than that to me.

Give me that.
What about this, Freddie?

If you were smart, we could put you
back on the street again.

I don't wanna waste my time or the court's
money on a two-bit piece of shit like you.

But with your record, nigger,
I can put you away for 20 to 25 years.

I don't want you, I want your man!
- Now, who do you work for?
- You know I can't tell you nothing.

Who's your man?
You know I can't tell you, man.
Come here.
Now I'll tell you why
I brought you out here today.

I made me a deal last night
that'll bring in enough money...

:47:16 get us both out
of this whole scene.

Both of us, baby.
Now, this Priest,
does he work for somebody?

He and his partner work independent.
How big is the family?
About 50 now, or better.
A year ago, they only had 10 or 15.
This key you're picking up tonight,
what time?

One o'clock.
- All right, get him out of here.
- What should we do with him?

- Take him downtown and book him.
- What's the charge?

You read the arresting officer's report.
