The Godfather

to be treated with respect.
But, I must say no to you.
And I'll give you my reason.
It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics.
They wouldn't be friendly long if I was
involved in drugs instead of gambling,

which they regard as a harmless vice,
but drugs is a dirty business.

It doesn't make any difference to me
what a man does for a living.

But your business is...
a little dangerous.

If you're worried about security,
the Tattaglias will guarantee it.

- The Tattaglias would guarantee our...
- Wait a minute.

I have a sentimental weakness
for my children, and I spoil them.

They talk when they should listen.
But anyway...

Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I wish to
congratulate you on your new business.

I know you'll do well, and good luck.
Especially since your interests
don't conflict with mine. Thank you.

Come here.
What's the matter with you? Your brain
is going soft from playing with that girl.

Never tell anybody outside the family
what you're thinking again.

Go on.
