- Well?
- I don't think so.
I know you.
When you say no, you mean yes.
Say you'll at least meet the doctor,
okay? He's the moneyman.
I'm not being pushy but where's
the harm seeing if you like each other?
- You're not being pushy?
- I'm just edging you
towards making a decision.
There's a difference.
There's a difference.
There's six ways of lookin'
at this. You could look
at this in 100 different ways.
I'm just sayin', let's take two ways
to look at it that way.
Now, listen, I didn't tell the doctor
about you being in prison.
I figure, why undermine his confidence.
He wants the best for his money.
Not that you're not the best.
But a layman might wonder
why you're all the time in jail.
Someday the schoolbooks
of my country will sing your praises.
I don't think we want
this nosed around, do we, Doctor?
I was taking poetic license.
Our literacy rate in Central Vatawi
is 99 percent.
The point is, my entire country
will be in your debt...
for returning the Sahara Stone
to its rightful people.
- This is him?
- I am the permanent representative...
- of Central Vatawi
at the United Nations.
- Some job of explaining you did.
You may call me "Doctor" Amusa,
Mr. Dortmunder.
You see, the countries
of Central and Outer Vatawi...
have been stealing the Sahara Stone
from one another for generations.
We like to think
it was originally ours.
The whole matter at present is
being studied by the United Nations.
Being a member of that body...