You really think I got golden hands?
Nah, maybe they used to be golden.
- I used to be great, I admit that.
- You are great now.
And you're gonna be legendary.
- I'm a doctor! Let me through, please.
- " Oh, God.!"
- Anybody call an ambulance?
- Yes, sir. A few minutes ago.
- It's all right. It's all right.
I'm gonna need all of you.
We're gonna have to put him
in temporary traction ourselves.
- I thought we weren't
supposed to touch people...
- Now you listen to me!
His ribs are scratching his heart.
At any second now, they're
gonna cut right through.
- You want that on your
conscience, you tell me.
- Sorry.
I did that. Me. I did that.
Get the others.
- Bring him up.
- Ah, no...
- Bring him up slow.
It's gonna be all right.
- Do it slow.