- of 52 West 11 th in Westbury."
- I just popped him.
That ain't savage. You expect
rotten reporting in the "Times."
- The "Daily News" called me
a dazzling success.
- Did they say anything about
what we did with the diamond?
- What?
The thing to remember,
Andrew, is we haven't got it.
I'm just tryin' to look
on the bright side.
Greenberg obviously dropped
the damn thing in the museum.
I know it's there.
Well, why don't you just wander on over
and tell them about your interest.
I'm sure they'll be happy to let you
look around to your heart's content.
- Stan.
- Pleasure.
- Hey, what am I gonna tell Amusa?
- Come on, kid.
- Tell him good-bye. From now on
I'm sticking to plumbing.
- You take failure too hard.
I don't mind it so much anymore.
- That's some stomach.
- Then it is an ulcer?
No, no. Not yet.
Right now, it's only gastritis.
Can you make it go away?
I guessed you were
the strong, silent type.
That's no good. You keep
everything inside you.
Don't get
into tension situations.
Don't get into arguments.
Turn the other cheek.
Smile. Then we'll just have to make
a few adjustments in your diet.
- What do you mean?
- Here.
Chew on these. Keep 'em handy.
Stock up at the drugstore...
- and I'll give you
some pills to go with it.
- How serious is it?
I want you to keep away
from ketchup and mustard and onions...
and, uh, garlic and tea and coffee...
and tobacco and scotch...
"and bourbon and vodka and gin"...
You'll never guess
why I had to find you.
- Another key job?
- Not exactly.
More like the same one again.
See, Greenberg's got it.
- Greenberg?
- Yeah, yeah.
He contacted his lawyer, the lawyer
called Amusa and Amusa called me.
I got him up to 200 a week
on our per diem.