The Poseidon Adventure

What should I do at midnight,
kiss the captain?

Don't knock it.
Why don't you admit the real reason?
You're still afraid some bum
will recognize you.

That's pretty stupid!
You're out of that business now.
You're my wife.

You can't go around afraid
all the time...

...that every guy you bump into
is a former customer!

Linda, you hear me?
Will you shut up? I'm busy in here!
You weren't on the streets that long!
How many guys did you know?

You realize how slim
the chances are...

...that even one of these characters
is on this boat?

You don't have to shout.
I said...
I said, do you realize how slim...
I heard what you said!
I saw a young officer on deck
the other day.

And he looked pretty damn familiar.
Even with his clothes on.
So he recognized you.
Doesn't that bother you?
If it bothered me, I wouldn't
have married you.

Well, first you arrested me six times!
I had to keep you off the streets
until you'd marry me!
