are still among the lowest in France,
with a national average
of 4.80 francs an hour.
I have the figures here.
Here at Salumi, a laborer
makes 3.45 + 0.62 francs an hour.
An unskilled worker
makes 3.94 + 0.74.
A skilled worker
makes 4.45 + 0.90.
A highly skilled worker
makes from 5.37 to 6.04.
The food industry stuffs
the bosses and CEOs
while it underfeeds the workers.
We at the CGT maintain
that industrial concentration
calls for a united strategy
that allows agreements
between multiple sectors,
combined with individual riders
for each sector or factory.
We also maintain that irresponsible
actions like those of this morning
threaten our overall strategy,
which is the only one capable
of influencing management.
Of course the problem is larger
than that, even political.
There's no true solution
to workers' hopes and dreams
under the current system,
where a few capitalists impose
their law of monopolistic profits.
To make possible
a social policy for the people,
we have to set up
a true democracy in this country.
For this, we need
a government of the people
that combines the forces of blue-collar
and white-collar workers,
both rural and urban,
believers and nonbelievers,
all those who labor under the stifling
control of monopolistic capitalism.
Hey, here comes Stacquet.
Take it easy!