They can't just humiliate
a man like that.
I'd feel the same way
if they did it to you.
But it won't happen like that.
I'm ready to talk, make concessions.
I have an open mind.
But I won't let
mental patients control me.
Send the ringleaders to jail!
It's always the same:
Give 'em an inch
and they take a mile.
I've always been a liberal,
but sometimes what's needed
is a good kick in the ass.
A good kick in the ass.
Georgette was talking
to the reporter.
Luce, Simone, Natalie
and I were listening.
Georgette was talking
in a soft voice
about the factory,
the assembly line,
the inspectors who grope you
hoping they'll get lucky.
They're after you like dogs
if you don't go along.
Even the working guys
always whistle
and say disgusting things
as you walk past.
She talked about her four kids
and her boyfriend,
housework after her shift
and housework before her shift.
About cooking dinner,
and how the day care is miles away.
The fear of having another kid.
The doctor who made her
so afraid of the pill
that it took her two years
to start using it.
Meanwhile, she had
another mouth to feed.