Tout va bien

Well, here I am.
Where the hell are they?
They've been gone an hour.

It's the usual information meeting.
The union guys
go on and on for hours.

Afterwards, everyone's
even more confused.

You think it's gonna fail?
What are you doing?
That's my business.
All we've done since yesterday
is wait outside this damned door!

A lot of good it does
holding the manager!

We don't know what to do with him.
It's stupid!

What else can we do?
I don't know.
What do you think about those two?
The girl is pretty cute.
That's not what I meant!
I'm starting to think
we made a mistake.

We should have explained
things to them.

We don't even know
what paper she works for.

What could she possibly write?
Maybe she won't write anything.
Once I worked in a place
and a guy came and wrote an article,
but it was never published.

We should have explained it to them.
Explained what?
At first we were right to lock them up.
But now it's different.

Stop dwelling on it.
Everyone's with us.
Isn't that what counts?
Even the CGTguys
changed their tune.

They were really tough.
- Well?
- That's where you're wrong.

They had no choice but to get tough.
They made
a complete mess of it at first.

Then they just let it deteriorate,
while yelling that management's offer
was too low.
