Tout va bien

He'd show them the shop.
Then he'd say,
"See how disgusting it is?

See how disgusting it is?
See how disgusting it is!"
Then he'd show them
the union pamphlet.

Aren't we doing the same thing?
Except he thinks foremen
are necessary.

He can't imagine
a factory without foremen.

He wouldn't mention them!
- Okay, okay.

These are good details
to write an article about.

But you should write about
what's happened since yesterday,

which is a big change
for this factory.

The fact we locked up the manager.
- What is it?
- You're fired.

- What?
- You're fired.

- What?
- Fired.

Germain fighting with Stacquet.
You've got a big mouth,
like all leftists.

Lucien refusing to let
the manager piss.

Sorry. You're too late!
I can't stand it!
It may not sound like much,
but it means a lot to me.
- Fine. Let's talk about it now.
- Okay.

When you read
about a factory in the paper,

it's full of boring details,
as if the guy had just discovered
factories for the first time.

He feels pity.
He practically cries.

But he never shows the struggle,
how things change,

how good it can feel
to lay into a real pain in the ass.

Workers are always
made to look sinister.

It's complicated.
I can't explain.
