Tout va bien

Move the two-kilo.
Shine it on the door.
- It's on.

Is that the 50?
Give me the 75.
Take this down for me.
What am I doing?
You can see I'm starting a shoot.

No, a commercial.
If you must define me,
say I'm a filmmaker
who sometimes makes commercials.

The distinction is important to me.
The advertising business?
Yes, it's pretty stupid and corrupt.
Did you see those agency guys on the set?
Unbelievable, huh?

Anyway, it's just
a way to make a living

without too much trouble
so I can do other things.

Or at least I try.
I used to make films.
For various reasons, I stopped,
at least for a while.

I had to pay the rent.
I looked at all the possible things
I could do.

It seems like the easy way out,
and maybe it is,

but three years ago, it wasn't.
Oh, all kinds of reasons.
A lot of things influenced
my decision.

What happened with Susan.
All kinds of things.
I told you I made films.
