Tout va bien

Funny thing is, he probably thought
the same thing about you.

You wouldn't believe
how many things I saw back then

that drove me away.
That time in Flins, for example.
Or the week I spent
in Issy-les-Moulins

with a guy who called himself
a Marxist-Leninist

and who knew
the factory guys, the CSF.

And Susan and I...
that was right at the beginning.
We lived through
the month of May together.

It sounds silly and romantic,
but it was great.
When everything returned to normal
and they asked me to direct
an adaptation

of an American detective novel
by David Goodis,

I gave it all up.
It seemed a ridiculous waste of time.
I figured it was more honest
to make commercials

than to make such a stupid film.
I gave it some thought.
I still think about what I could do,
what the system would let me do.
What kinds of films
I could try to make.

I've been planning a political film
about France for three years.

It's not that easy.
I'm only now starting
to understand things

that Brecht pointed out
over 40 years ago.

Do you know his preface to Mahogany?.
Isn't it brilliant?
