Some years earlier...
when Agnes had gone to Italy
for her health...
Maria and her husband,Joakim,
were staying at the manor.
One evening, Anna's
little daughter was taken ill...
and Maria sent
for the family doctor...
who lived in the nearby
country town.
- Now say ''ah.''
- Ah.
- Once again.
- Ah.
That hurt a little?
I can see that.
What a good girl.
That wasn't too bad, eh?
Off to bed with you now.
You'll feel better
after a good night's sleep.
- Thank you.
- Doctor, are you hungry?
If you'd like a little supper
the table's being prepared.
Oh yes, that would be nice.
Thank you.
Agnes and Karin are still
traveling in Italy.
I received a letter
from them last week.
Agnes is much better.
- Her cough is entirely gone.
- Mm-hmm.
And she's picked up
her painting again.