''Chapter 34, in which
Mr. Pickwick thinks...
''he had better go to Bath,
and goes accordingly.
'''But surely, my dear sir,'
said little Perker...
''as he stood
in Mr. Pickwick's apartment...
''on the morning
after the trial.
'''Surely you don't really mean,
really and seriously now...
'''and irritation apart...
'''that you won't pay
these costs and damages?'
'''Not one halfpenny,'
said Mr. Pickwick fiirmly.
'''Not one halfpenny.'
'''Hooray for the principle,
as the moneylender said...
'''when he wouldn't
renew the bill'...
''observed Mr. Weller, who
was clearing away breakfast.
'''Sam,' said Mr. Pickwick...
'''have the goodness
to step downstairs.'
'''Certainly, sir,'
replied Mr. Weller...
''and acting on Mr. Pickwick's
gentle hint, Sam retired.''